We have online and offline apparel store apparel. We are consultant company for batik making training. Please consult for your needs in fashion and training.

Author: engelect

  • Posting picture from Gdrive

    This is a sample page to take media from gdrive. I have difficulties to embed my pictures stored at my gdrive (google drives) into this website. When I am looking around this method is effectively applied. The procedure is as follow. I hope it will help.. Read more

  • KurniaWP-Batik di Balikpapan Fashion Week (BFW)

    KurniaWP-Batik di Balikpapan Fashion Week (BFW)

    Apakah kamu tahu bahwa saat ini sedang berlangsung BFW? BFW singkatan dari Balikpapan fashion week, sebuah event fashion yang mengumpulakn pegiat UMKM dibidang fashion. “UMKM? ahh pasti murahan dah produknya !”, mungkin kamu berkomentar demikian. Eits.. !! jangan salah, disini juga KurniaWP Batik membuka stand pameran dengan BUMN yang yahud dan berkomitmen, PT. Surveyor Indonesia.… Read more